Saturday 13 October 2012

Thairiffic take-away at Sticky Rice

My favourite start to the weekend would have to be Friday night at home when I ditch the heels, peel on my special pair of stretchy 'home' pants, pour a glass of vino and kick back knowing I have the whole weekend ahead of me...also its pretty much always a 'cooking free' night.

Every Friday my hubby and I consistently dalliance with our stack of take-away menus but it always comes down to two: Asian or Pizza... I always always always push for Asian, and he almost always votes Pizza. We haven't found a great pizza place yet here in Newie so lately, Asian almost always wins, and my new favourite place would have to be Sticky Rice Thai.

I have tried this place now about 5 times (horray for not finding a great pizza joint yet) and not only is is delicious, it is consistently good. They have an incredibly long menu but we have tried quite a few dishes and here's the scoop:

-The veggie spring rolls: crunchy and delicious and full of yummy veggies. I hate getting a spring roll thats mostly roll and not enough spring if you know what I mean- these one's are full and juicy.
-Pad Si Ew/Pad Kee Mao: Noodles! If I could live on what thing alone it would be noodles especially flat rice noodles. These noodles are slippery and sticky and...well just the way I like it.
-Ho Mok Talay: This dish is the absolute BOMB. Its a kind of mild-gingery coconut curry with Seafood. I think the seafood that they use is actually fresh too. Its always really generous and has prawns, fish, mussles, and squid and they always cook it so that its beautiful and tender!

Also the best part of Sticky Rice is that they do I can pour myself another glass and my 'home' pants can stay at home :)