Saturday 30 June 2012

Wallabies vs. Scotland in Newcastle

So I was all geared up for my first Wallabies match ever, and (thinking I was a total pro) had the whole kit sorted: Wallabies scarf, beanie and several layers of clothes. On a whim I also bought 2 rain ponchos- juuust in case. The weather was windy and cold and had been drizzling all day- I thought for sure it would clear up later that night. As we were about to leave home I put on a quick lick of mascara and lipgloss and was ready to go. Lachie, my hubby, saw me doing my last minute touches and told me "don't bother- it'll wash right off your face!".....Hmph- Men. After telling him that he was being ridiculous, "we won't get THAT wet" I threw my wallabies scarf over my shoulder and we left for the game (for the local rugby supporters out there I should add that not only was it my first Wallabies game, it was also my first game at Hunter Stadium).

Well- thank goodness I packed bought those ponchos. It. Was. Pouring! Normally I'd think we had amazing seats, right in the front row (where I took this pic), but on that night- we were right in the elements, no cover, no nothing. The rain was literally just blowing right onto us and in minutes my face and hair were soaked. A quick visit to the bathroom and my 'quick lick' of mascara resembed more of an oil slick running down my face. A girl next to me kindly offered a tissue, and as I blotted away I looked around and felt slightly comforted watching several other girls regretting they had worn the old waterproof makeup too. 

Back to the game, into my wet seat and eating soggy hot chips through my poncho I was praying that the cameras wouldn't come our way. It would have almost all been worth it if the Wallabies came through for us but with a final penalty goal Scotland's way we lost to the Scots 9-6 :( To the droans of bagpipes through terrential rain, we shlepped our wet, soggy selves home to a hot shower, warm PJs, a proper face cleanse, and a vow to always wear waterproof mascara to sporting events in the future.

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